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It’s November and “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is playing hard and heavy on the radio. If you haven’t considered Christmas yet, it’s about time you do as in hospitality it is never too early to start getting ready for the festive season. We’re here to help you take the opportunity to increase sales and put everyone in the spirit during the holiday season. Let your creative side shine and get inspired by these 7 festive ideas guaranteed to make this year's Christmas in your venue a memorable one for all involved!
To increase the evening crowd during the early week, a Christmas-themed quiz night could be the answer! Younger student groups who may not choose to have a sit down meal together could be the perfect target audience for a pop-Christmas quiz. A pub quiz is a good way to get everyone involved. If you have ever hosted a quiz before you know how fun and competitive they can get. A Christmas themed quiz can really put your visitors' Christmas knowledge to the test. If you are stuck for ideas on what questions to ask there are plenty of Christmas quiz examples online for you to use.
This winter is going to be an extra busy one with the FIFA World Cup happening between the 21st of November and the 8th of December. Considering that this annual tournament is stretching over the busiest months of the year and is likely to contribute significant traffic to your venue, we recommend the following.
Tis the season of pumpkin spiced everything, boozy hot chocolates and gorgeous creamy concoctions. Creating a Christmas themed cocktail menu can be a great way to bring a point of difference to your regulars and ensure they choose to spend their money with your venue this year.
Mulled Passion Fruit Punch, spiced and buttered rum or hot chocolate with a kick are relatively easy to make but can be a great addition to your drinks menu. If you want to keep your specials menu even more simple, you can always add a simple twist to classic cocktails to give them that festive oomph - try a simple recipe of Strawberry Daiquiri, but use spiced rum instead of regular. If you need some help deciding on your special cocktail menu, download a handy check-list from the Trade Hub's Tips and Tricks page where you'll find heaps of useful assets.
Christmas season is all about comfort food - no restrictions, no reservations. Bringing out a classic Sunday roast with some sausage or bread stuffing, turkey, clove-studded ham (or chestnut roast) and cranberries will get your customers in the mood for the festivities. You can also easily create a cocktail pairing for this limited Sunday roast menu. Try French Pornstar, a delightful, rich cross between Pornstar and French Martinis or simply serve up a Kir Royale which is the perfect compliment to the Christmas Roast dinner. Explore our Cocktails page for more ideas.
If you run a family friendly venue, getting Santa to come visit your venue can make for a big attraction. Choose a Saturday and/or Sunday afternoon and make sure to shout about it on social media. You can even pair this event with a gingerbread men decoration workshop to really make an event for the kids. If your venue is adult only, you can tweak the theme into Bad Santa and get your staff to run short cocktail making workshops to increase the dwell time and upsell the cocktails from the specials menu. Short cocktail workshops are a brilliant way to increase revenue and create a new, fun way to engage with your guests.
There's over 1.7 million older people in the UK who have nowhere to go during Christmas. Just having someone to talk to during the holiday season is huge. If you're planning to keep your venue open this Christmas, consider allocating some space for the elderly guests to sit together. Offering free meals or working closely with the community can help the most vulnerable feel a lot less lonely this Christmas, particularly following several years of the pandemic. Speak to your food and beverage suppliers to enquire about support they could offer to make this possible. Email us at info@funkin.co.uk to speak about potential partnerships to support the elderly on Christmas day.
Spreading the festive cheer can be done via various channels. If you have a list of newsletter subscribers, send out regular emails encouraging them to book a table. If you have data from the booking sites you work with, target existing customers with an ad campaign. Post on social media to showcase your updated and utterly delicious festive offering. Use in-venue POS to advertise Christmas and NYE booking options - choose posters in the loos, table talkers, chalk boards and anything else you have at your disposal to spread the word amongst your regulars (after all, it's much cheaper to advertise to existing customers than it is to recruit new ones). Use our How To Make the Most of Social Media guide from the Tips and Tricks page.
And so here it is, 7 pieces of advice from us to you to make this festive season a success! November and December are some of the busiest months of the year in hospitality with many logistical challenges, but we know you got this!