
24 08 2022 / 4 mins read

Trend watch: fruity twists on classic cocktails

Trend watch: fruity twists on classic cocktails
24 08 2022 / 4 mins read

Trend watch: fruity twists on classic cocktails

Do you love trying different cocktails? Ones that look attractive, elegant, and chic; ones with the next-level taste, and are Instagram-worthy. 


Perhaps, you have experience mixing them yourself. Whether you know cocktail craft inside-out, have been enjoying cocktails for many years,  or just started making them during the lockdown, let us reassure you that you are not alone if you like experimenting with cocktail ingredients and flavours. According to CGA’s Mixed Drinks Report, nearly two-thirds of cocktail consumers like having different flavours. 

“Why make a change to classic cocktails if they are so good and they perform well?”, some of you may be wondering right now.  

Let us explain. 


Even though cocktails are believed to be an American innovation, they were partly inspired by Britain in the 18th century. Have you ever heard of British punches - spirit bowls mixed with fruit juice, spices, and other flavours? They were consumed in punch houses in the 18th century.

Eventually, the “cocktail” received a definition as “a stimulating liquor composed of any kind of sugar, water and bitters”.

Nowadays, a cocktail is a drink that contains alcohol and is made up of a mix of spirits or spirits mixed with different ingredients (juice, puree, cream, milk, syrups, coffee, etc. See our Mixer range which is a combination of all soft ingredients which are used in the most popular classic cocktails - you only need to add the booze). Aside from the classics on the menu, you will likely see some creative and unique cocktails if you visit a cocktail bar today.  There are no strict rules on how to make them (that’s the great news).


Although the top 10 cocktails list is currently filled with familiar favourites, we’ve seen an interesting shift in consumer behaviour over the past few years as On Trade customers become more open to experimenting with new-to-the-market cocktail serves. 

Once these new and exciting cocktails make it onto multiple bar menus, they are considered a “modern classic”.

It’s becoming a lot easier to experiment with mixing because there are so many great new ingredients on the market which allow bartenders and the customers themselves to enhance the flavours and give the classics a new life. What’s great about it is that these ingredients are available to anyone eager to get creative - have a look at hard-to-produce cocktail ingredients created to help bartenders, like FUNKIN COCKTAILS Oleo Saccharum syrup which takes at least 2 days to produce by hand.


82% of consumers noted that they find the idea of a ‘modern twist’ on a classic cocktail appealing, so operators should look to consider making their own unique twists to classics to help drive cocktails sales. 

Not only that, twisting a classic cocktail is a great opportunity to show customers what other spirit combos are out there; to introduce them to more premium brands, which in turn helps to drive sales; or to slightly push customers out of their comfort zone, hoping they love the twist and keep coming back for more of it. 

Lastly, how can we forget about word-of-mouth marketing? We all know that a cool-looking cocktail gets shared on Instagram and other networks alike.


Adding a twist to a classic cocktail is super easy. A twist can be as simple as a single additional ingredient. Purees and syrups are perfect for creating unique and exciting cocktails with minimum effort. Not only do they support venues to experiment with unique offerings, but replacing fresh fruit juice with these purees enables operators to cut down on preparation time and minimise the waste of squeezing fresh fruits. 

Another way to twist a classic cocktail is to substitute ingredients and change the drink’s taste and look that way. For example, opting for a different syrup flavour takes the customer to the  “unknown”, thus making them a curious and happy customer.

Here are a few rules (they are more of a guide rather than a rule) to follow when creating a twist:

  •  try to balance out the flavours and alcohol level;

You don’t want to make a drink out of balance. Typically, there are four things that will make or break the cocktail - acidity levels, how sweet it is, how bitter it is, and how much alcohol is in the glass.

If you are substituting an ingredient - replace sweet with sweet or sour with sour; if you are adding an extra ingredient to a classic cocktail, try not to add too much of either sweet or sour to avoid imbalance; you can always do a taste test and the decide if you like your modern classic’s taste.

  • If not sure, follow a 3-2-1 cocktail formula;

There are many cocktails that are created using this formula and they are categorised as “sour”. For example, daiquiri, mojito, or margarita.

  1. Add 3 parts of spirit (50ml) - for example, vodka, gin, rum, tequila, whiskey, etc.;
  2. Add 2 parts of something sour (25ml) - lime, lemon or grapefruit juice; sour mix, or FUNKIN Purees (Pure Pour Lemon and Pure Pour Lime, for example);
  3. Add 1 part of sugar (12.5ml) - FUNKIN syrup (if you’re creating a twist - choose any flavour you want to try); honey, grenadine, limoncello liqueur, etc.

This is a go-to formula to revert back to if you accidentally created something that is way off. 



For a twist on a Mojito, combine FUNKIN COCKTAILS Pure Pour Lime with FUNKIN COCKTAILS Passion Fruit Puree, creating a tropical twist on the classic with ease.  

Classic Mojito

  • 50ml Rum
  • 25ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Pure Pour Lime
  • 15ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Sugar Syrup
  • 12 mint leaves
  • Top with Soda Water

Passionfruit Mojito

  • 50ml Rum
  • 25ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Pure Pour Lime
  • 25ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Passion Fruit Puree
  • 15ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Sugar Syrup
  • 12 mint leaves
  • Top with Soda Water

For a twist on an Espresso Martini, combine vodka, espresso, and Cointreau with FUNKIN COCKTAILS Oleo Saccharum Syrup, to add an orange flavour to this classic.

Classic Espresso Martini

  • 35ml Vodka
  • 50ml Espresso
  • 15ml Kahlua
  • 15ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Sugar Cane Syrup
  • 3 coffee beans

Orange and Cream Espresso Martini 

  • 25ml Vodka
  • 50ml Espresso 
  • 15ml FUNKIN COCKTAILS Oleo Saccharum Syrup 
  • 25ml Cointreau
  • 3 coffee beans 

As you can see, this twist has more than one added ingredient. But why not? There are (almost) no rules. Let’s get creative!

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